Selfie me, a hot soccer star, and lavendar lemonade 🍋

In defense of the selfie...

If you've been around the Isadrakeverse for a while, you've seen a selfie or two. Or three. I've taken selfies alone, with friends, and a few strangers. I've shared my skills and selfie happiness with others.

Isabelle Drake Facebook Album: (Not so) Serious Selfies

I like selfies and I'm not embarrassed to say it. Selfies give us a way to document our own life. We selfie enthusiasts decide what matters most. We decide on the angle, the background, and the facial expression. There's no pressure to follow the instructions of others or make the facial expression they want. We get to own our own face and experience.

Isn't the selfie just another version of the artist's self-portrait?

Read the rest in my May newsletter.


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