Day a in the Life of Isabelle
Wake up, pack lunch, get dressed into work appropriate clothing, and head to day job.
8:10 -
10:00 Entertain and inform twenty 18-23 year-olds with YouTube clips, articles
on celebrity train wrecks, local politicians, and “End of Men” theory. Sneak in
critical thinking skills and composition writing information.
10:10 -
12:00 Repeat previous 2 hours, including own jokes.
12:00 -
1:20 Change out of work appropriate
clothing into sweats and t-shirt. Put on headphones, jog to weight room. Lift
for an hour. Get clean, change back into work appropriate clothing and head
back to office.
1:20 -
2:00 Eat lunch, text with sons and husband, while responding to email while
watching Vampire Diaries on Netflix.
2:00 -
3:00 Attend essential department meeting but instead of paying complete
attention to key discussion points, start thinking about scene of current
work-in-progress. Make some notes. Hide them.
Have lofty academic conversation in the hallway. Decide something important.
Return to office. Collect student work awaiting comment. Head home.
4:00 -
5:30 Buy any food that needs buying, pick up any dry cleaning that needs picking up, change
out of work appropriate clothing, eat dinner husband cooked, fret about the
mess in the kitchen, unfinished chores, and piles of laundry.
Ignore most all the dishes, chores, and laundry. Alternate between talking with
sons and husband, reading student work, and writing.
10:00 -
11:30 Watch Madmen with husband.
> Dream about next story I plan to write.