a promise of postcards

A few weeks ago, I attended the Association of Writing Programs conference in Philadelphia, PA. For me, the conference was a mix of attending sessions (on poetry! on writing reviews for graphic novels! on new approaches to workshopping!), visiting tables at the book fair, doing work on the room, and walks.
I took most of my walking photos on my last day. The center photo in the collection above was my personal favorite. I was walking through the arch surrounding City Hall, snapped the guy walking with his bike, just because I liked the contrast and the colors, and then when we continued through the hall, we came upon the bridal party waiting to be photographed. Like a little story, right?

Of course, I took a selfie as well. If I look a tad worn out, or serious, no surprises there. LOL. It was the last day of an academic conference. You can see the collection of postcards I'd made. I picked them up at the conference book fair and sent them to everyone who'd asked for one. If you follow me on social media, you already know I often send postcards while traveling. If you'd like a postcard, follow me on Instagram or Facebook and watch for travel posts.
Later this month I'll be headed to Chicago for Spring Fling. I'll be happy to send postcards to everyone who requests one.


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