The Binge Watchers Guide to Riverdale ~~ out April 2021
My non-fiction book of quizzes, sassy summaries, and trivia,
will be released next month! I'm excited about that. I'm also excited because
this will be my first book published under my own name.
My first stories, old school confession stories, were
published anonymously--because they were that scandalous.
Well, no, that's not really why. Its because all confessions were
published anonymously. After that, my first novel, a YA suspense, was released as
M. Ford. Then a YA romance and some adult romance under the name Melissa
Ford. Then--Isabelle Drake. And now, after twenty-one years, I'll have my
first book as me.
The Binge Watchers Guide will cover Season 1-4. Stay tuned for Season 5.