Romanticon 09 Done Deal, 2010 Coming in 11 Months

It's been a month already since Romanticon!

If you haven't heard about it already; Romanticon is Ellora's Cave's new annual conference. The first one was this year--next years is already in the works. It will be around the same time next year, early October, and again at the same hotel in northern Ohio.

My favorite part was participating in the reader round-tables--sessions when readers got to tell the writers and EC execs what they want more of and less of. There was a lot of conversation about BDSM, MMF and MFM and even some talk about FF. It was fun to hear how readers tastes and interests have evolved. This discussion was easy-going, the perfect atomsphere to say what's on your mind.

The parties were fun of course. The EC CaveMen were very visible. If getting pics with the CaveMen is your thing, do come next year because it was just that easy. Each night they performed and then hung around after.

The signing on Sunday was awesome. Thanks to everyone who stopped by! I'd been expecting Cowboy for Hire but found Satisfaction Guaranteed waiting at my spot for me instead. Guess that means RT in Columbus will be the first big event for Cowboy for Hire.

Thanks to Megan Conrad for snapping this pic of me at the signing. I got to sit next to Cheryl Dragon and Dalton Diez--love those ladies. Cheryl always teases me about traveling light and hitting the road quickly. I do tend to get going quickly because signings always inspire me to get back to work and write some more. Which is exactly what I did when I got home...started working on the next story in my By Request series.


susan L said…
Isabelle your picture looks like you certainly enjoying yourself at the convention.
Hey Susan - I always have fun sitting next to Cheryl and Dalton! The signing was great, though. Lots of fun people and prizes.

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