Chatting with Sascha on The UnNamed Radio Show for Radio Dentata

Last week I did my first radio interview. Sascha, who does a show called the UnNamed Romance Show for Radio Dentata called me up and we chatted for over an hour.

If you've never heard of Radio Dentata, here's a bit about it from their webpage:"Radio Dentata was founded on the belief that people are more than just one type of music, talk show, opinion, or even sexual position.

"Consequently, the station doesn’t treat listeners as one-dimensional. We erase the labels, bridge the gaps, blur the lines and show the similarities and contradictions. The programming is distinguished by a fearless approach to sex, life, poetry, politics, and music and offers listeners graphic, forthright, and topical entertainment."

Head on over to the page, there's tons of fun stuff there!

Here's a bit about Sascha's Show, The UnNamed Romance Show."The inside information from romance author Sascha – Featuring the good, the bad and the ugly. Excerpts of work, Interviews with erotic and romance authors and publishers.PLUS reviews and news… Come listen in and hear the inside dirt on who is doing shit to whom."

You'll want to check out his page, to see what he's up to each Monday.

My interview will be aired soon...stay tuned for details.


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