In 2007 I Resolve...

Okay, I confess. I have not written down my 2008 New Year's Resolutions. After much procrastinating I have come up with an even better idea - writing my 2007 New Year's Resolutions (which I haven't done yet either.) I'm already thinking I may adopt this new system permanently as the benefits of said system are undeniable. They include: 
Being able to look back over the year and determine what the most suitable and manageable resolutions are. 
Not having to worry that you won't complete or accomplish the resolutions. 
Not having to face the shame of admitting you have forgotten what the resolutions were in the first place. 
See what I mean?
With that in mind, I will list my 2007 New Year's Resolutions.
1. Have a book listed on the Amazon Bestseller list.
2. Complete two new manuscripts.
3. Receive three new book contracts.
4. Start a blog.
5. Start two new manuscripts.
6. Have fun doing signings and chatting with readers 
Planning ahead is great, but looking back is fun too. What about you? What did you accomplish in 2007?


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